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SkillPro is our state-of-the-art online system designed to support a culture of continual development in the services juvenile justice professionals provide to Florida's troubled youth.
Visit our web site for more information
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Your center for continual professional learning.

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Email addresses and phone numbers are now mandated fields.
Tutorials on how to use the SkillPro system are very useful and easy to follow! Click on Learning Library, then E-Learning, enter "SkillPro" in the search window and click the Search button for a list of videos.
[b]SkillPro Technical Requirements: [b] 1. Chrome / Edge (Chromium) / Firefox 2. Minimum internet bandwidth of 5Mbps down and 1Mbps up These are the requirements needed for SkillPro to function properly. If you are unsure of your systems requirements or if your system meets these requirements and the course still does not function, then contact your IT Department for further assistance.
Please be sure to submit all support requests through the "Get Help!" feature. If you are unable to access SkillPro, you can email your support request to the SkillPro email address, [b][b]